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Contact and journey

Unterechingerstraße 2
5113 St. Georgen bei Salzburg

Tel +43 (6272) 20 121-0
Fax +43 (6272) 20 121-21

How to find us

Journey by car
From the A10, take the exit Salzburg Nord and follow the B156 in the direction of Branau. After 20 km you will drive through a tunnel. After that take the first exit left off the B156 in the direction of St.Georgen/Tittmoning. After the level crossing, you will come to a roundabout, take the first exit in the direction of St.Georgen/Tittmoning. After a further 5km you will reach Obereching, turn left into Unterechingerstrasse directly at the petrol station at the end of the village. After 300 m you will arrive at PHI OIL.
There are plenty of parking spaces available.

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