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“...excellent reliability of the equipment“

Higher motor cleanliness and efficiency, lenghthend service life, convincing reliability and operational safety:
PHI OIL transforms failure sources into top performers.


Voestalpine Linz (steel work, slag pit)


Extremely high soot burden in the motor which regularly led to a complete failure of the device.


The device transports 1,200°C hot slag from the steelworks to the slag pits. Despite a reduced oil change interval of 400 operating hours (a reduction from the manufacturers recommendation) there occurred about 250 error reports during the operating period due to the high soot content. 10 to 15 of those incidents were critical and led to total failure of the equipment. Men and machines were endangered.


Change to PHI OIL Universus Gold 5W40

Machines and Function
Slag transporter of Kamag manufacturer with Caterpillar motors.

Affected Unit


The high dirt dispersing properties of PHI OIL Universus Gold 5W40 reduces defect reports of the motor control unit to a minimum. The motor cleanliness is significantly improved, the life span significantly extended and the efficiency of the motor substantially increased.

Client testimonial

Already after the first fill up of PHI OIL Universus Gold 5W40, there were only 50 defect reports instead of the usual 250 and none of these faults led to a complete stoppage of the equipment. From the second operating interval with Universus Gold, there were no more than five uncritical defect reports. Since then we have had no complete failures of the equipment. With help from the competent support of PHI OIL, we have achieved a higher reliability of the device and therefore also fulfill safety aspects for our workers and the machines.

Rudolf Aumayr, Workshop Foreman heavy duty vehicles, Logistik Service GmbH


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